Watchfire LED Signs for High Impact Marketing
The owners of “Buying All Cars” in Osprey, Florida were relocating to a larger building and parking lot to accommodate their growing clientele. They were also brain-storming ideas on how to increase their advertising. One of the options they were considering was utilizing an electronic message center (EMC) display sign.
Following a consultation from SBC, the owners realized that old-school advertising like newspapers, radio and commercials were not as effective due to internet, satellite radio and the recording of TV programs. A shift to on-premise advertising was needed.
To solve their marketing challenges, Signs By Crannie designed, manufactured and installed a 3×7 foot 16mm, full color Watchfire LED sign on a 15 foot pole sign with their logo in a top cabinet illuminated with internal, energy efficient LED’s. Now “Buying All Cars” can reach thousands of passing vehicles a day with advertisements to inform the public of their services and help increase their bottom line.
WatchFire LED Signs and Auto Dealerships
Are businesses like auto dealers on to something? Consider that auto dealerships are commonly situated in high traffic areas, and even more obvious, they sell cars to people who drive cars. It’s a perfect equation: traffic + auto marketing = auto sales.
What are some of the benefits of an LED electronic message center (EMC) from WatchFire for auto dealerships?
- High visibility on roadway
- Showcase daily, weekly and monthly specials
Advertise high-margin services the dealership offers
Advertise services and offers that customers may be unaware of
Highlight community activity or community events
- Increased floor traffic
- Create messages within a matter of minutes
- Display numerous messages throughout the day
- Mirror sales events advertised on TV
- Combats erosion of traditional media (TV, newspaper, radio)
- Lower cost per thousand impressions, or CPM
- Increased energy efficiency when replacing older signs